Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Writing - Tiger

Snow Tiger

Rare white tiger cubs unveiled at Czech Republic zoo - BBC News


The Snow tiger belong to the Bengal family.  The Snow tiger is a very dangerous animal. The Snow tiger  that live in Bengal are found in dense forests. The Snow tiger can weigh up to 750 pounds, which is more then a 2 giant pandas!!!!  They can also grow up to 10 feet tall!!!! The most hate rid thing about the Snow tiger is that they don't like is us humans. And the most favorite thing about  the Snow tiger   is finding pray for there family to eat. There strips help them to camouflage to there surroundings so, it will be easy to catch pray. The Snow tigers are being captivated in some countries. The good reason why the Snow tiger are captivated is because they won't go extincted. And the bad reason is that they won't get much exercise to stretch the legs and paw .  I hope you understand the good and bad qualities of the Snow tiger. Thank you for reading. 

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